the revolution in striking has arrived.

The Shadowboxing Trainer

The Shadowboxing Trainer was born from my own desire to improve. I never had any intention of selling anything, I just wanted to be more effective.  I fell in love with Kickboxing in my late 20’s.  For years, I would do two or three classes a night after work, four or five nights a week, then a sparring class on Saturday mornings.   l was hooked…and my technique improved.  

Still, there was an aspect of growth that eluded me…my instructors continued to push me to keep my hands up, specifically, not to drop my off hand, when I threw a punch.  Then my sparring partners would show me the hard way why they were right. Tired of taking counter punch, after counter punch, I concentrated… I focused… I practiced.  No matter how much I improved in my pad work and shadowboxing, when I would ramp up the intensity in sparring, the same bad habits would come back.  I wasn’t keeping my guard up.  It became clear that in the heat of the fight, there is little time for thought.  I realized:  Technique learned and practiced in training must penetrate, and overcome bad habits that already exist, in order to truly improve.  Frustrated, I considered this challenge.  What could I do to overcome the bad habits that were making me vulnerable to taking unnecessary blows to the head.  How could I better protect myself when I was in striking range.  

The most effective way, I figured, would be to create something that could give me instant feedback if I dropped my guard, while striking.  This led to a concept for a training tool that I could make, and use, and test.  I built it at a friend’s metal shop, and I started using it.  At first it felt awkward, like doing something for the first time can often feel, but I really believed it could work if I dedicated myself to it.  So I used it…every day…

…and after a couple of months, it all started to click!  I started to feel it, even when it wasn’t there. I couldn’t throw a punch with my off-hand down, my chin was locked in place.  It had built deeply-ingrained muscle memory in me and overcome the old muscle memory, the old programming.  I was excited.  I knew at that point, that I had created something that could help others improve, too.

It took years to do all of the things that it takes to manufacture a product, and to build a business… to get to the point of realizing the finished Shadowboxing Trainer.  With the help of investors, family, and friends, I’ve produced this valuable training tool.  I am proud to offer it to you and to everyone who wants to maximize their striking effectiveness… to anyone who is passionate about improving their skills.

We have worked hard to build a durable, user friendly tool, that will help strikers address major technical necessities. The Shadowboxing Trainer, (SBT) will force you to always keep your chin down, and to keep your off hand up to guard your face while striking. It is designed to build integral muscle memory to help protect you from unnecessary head trauma, in turn decreasing the risk of long term damage associated with taking strikes to the head. Whether it is your first day in the gym, or you are in camp for a title defense, everyone can benefit from the Sparrior SBT.

The Sparrior Mission

We set out to develop something that to this point has been absent in the pursuit of striking excellence. A functional tool that builds beneficial muscle memory, and will provide instant feedback. The SBT will assist you in identifying specific flaws in your technic. If used regularly it will help you achieve a tight economical structure that will help protect you from unnecessary damage in the gym, in competition, and in life.

The Sparrior Promise

If you honor us by adding The Shadowboxing Trainer to your regular training regimen, we guarantee positive results. If you use the SBT on a consistent basis, and do not feel as if it has helped you improve, we will refund you the purchase price, no questions asked.

All Major Components Proudly Manufactured in the USA

It was very important to us to use manufacturers here at home. We are proud to say that over 90% of every dollar spent to produce this great product was spent right here in America.

The Sparrior Value

Because The Shadowboxing Trainer from Sparrior has to be adjustable to each users unique arm length, we decided to add an extra component. The SBT also extends to a top of the line speed jump rope. With 10 feet of vinyl coated steel cable, stainless steel bearings, and our patented quick adjustment mechanism, the speed rope alone is worth your attention.

The Speed Rope